- Organizácia výstav
- Prenájom minirampy
- Prenájom skateparku
- Extrémne udalosti - Organizácia
- Usporiadané akcie
- SK8isGR8 - Festival skateboardových filmov, Varšava (2024)
- Golden Dragon AM 2024 - Podpora mladých korčuliarov!
- DUNK&GRIND - Shuvary Park Krakov (2024)
- Deň skateboardingu, Krakov (2024)
- Halo Jam - sídlisko Widok, Krakov (2022)
- Bitka o Mistrzejowice, Krakov (2022)
- Deň skateboardingu, Krakov (2023)
- Koncert Paktofonika, Katovice (2022)
- Vans Shop Riot, Krakov (2023)
- Mini Costume Challenge - Redbull 2013
- Cross-border skating competition for the Cup of the Mayor Limanowa
- Slot Festiwal 2013
- Jewish Culture Festival
- Airlines vol#4
- Miniramp Session Cieszyn
- Jam Session Chill Fest
- Guba Party
- Kety Skatepark opening - footage
- Idea Fix Fest 2 - renting miniramp
- Harlem Skate Park Challange
- Woodcamp 2012 - trainings TECHRAMPS
- Jastrzębie Go High 2012
- Battle of Mistrzejowice 2012 - results and photos
- Every Board Festival
- Chillout Session in relation Koninki
- The Chillout Session
- Zlote Tarasy Warsaw - Philips O’Neill headphones Zone!
- Red Bull MOBILE Snowboard Attack
- Jastrzebie Go High
- Woodcamp 2011 - turnus 2
- Mini mobile street park na Es game of skate 2011
- Skate Jam 2011 w Kielcach na Skateplazie
- Krakow Bowl Challange 13.11.2010
- Wodzislaw Slaski - 18.09.2010
- Es Game of SKATE 2010 - Krakow Barbakan
- Skateboarding JAM in Radzionkow 2010
- Jastrzebie-Zdroj Bike Contest 2010
- Lines of Bielawa
- Kulturalny Skejt na Trakach Historii 2010
- A positive culture for young Europeans - Festival
- Woodcamp 2010 - 2nd period
- Woodcamp 2010 - 1st period
- Idea Fix Fest - Krakow
- Techramps / Cool Sport Skate-Boat Contest
- Skateboard Jam in Brzeszcze
- Techramps Malopolska Cup BMX Street Jam
- Woodcamp 2009 - 4th period
- Woodcamp 2009 - 2nd period
- Broken Ball - Ilawa
- Zimowe imprezy
- Mobilna rampa
- Workshop Techramps on Woodcamp 2008
- Juliada 2008
- Silesia BMX CUP
- Targi Kielce
- Juliada 2007
- Juliada 2006
- Premiere MEPtv's film - Zakopane 2006
- Sprite 2006
- Skate Party 2006 - Centrum Handlowe Reduta
- Red Bull 2006 - freeski Bonarka
- Maintain Jam 2006
- Carlsberg Winter Festival
- M1 Częstochowa 2005
- Kolbuszowa 2005
- Tarnów 2004
- Red Bull Monsters 2005
- Police 2004
- Łomnica 2006
- Kolbuszowa 2006
- Jarosław 2004
- "Domówka" w Krakowie 2006
- Bytom 2005
- Bemowo 2006
- Axe 2004
- Police 2005
- Street Game 2005
- Juliada 2005
- Juliada 2004
- Juliada 2003
- M1 Częstochowa 2004
- M1 Radom 2004
- M1 Kraków 2003
- Unimil Jam 2005
- Jarosław 2005
- Rzeszów Jam 2005
- Underskatement 2003
- 36i6 City Jam Krakow
- Attack of the Evil Rail
- Techramps na Tour de Pologne
- Smith’s Street Art Festiwal
- Skateparky bez odpadkov - ministerstvo športu zavádza nové normy
- Nová príručka pomôže vybudovať bezpečné skateparky
- Nová norma pre výstavbu verejných skateparkov
- Betónový skatepark v Ścinawe sa blíži!
- Surfskate - surfovanie na betóne
- Prečo investovať do skateparku vo vašom meste?
- #MeetOurCrew - Lukasz Legutek
- SK8isGR8 - Festival skateboardových filmov, Varšava (2024)
- DUNK&GRIND - Shuvary Park Krakov (2024)
- Nový skatepark v Rybniku: výstavba prebieha
Usporiadané akcie - the most interesting projects
Cross-border skating competition for the Cup of the Mayor Limanowa
Cross-border skating competition for the Cup of the Mayor Limanowa is complited . The weather , the atmosphere , the music and attendance was great. A total of 30 riders took off from Limanowa , Krakow , Dolny Kubin...
Jewish Culture Festival
To 7th of July you could ride on the mini ramp , which stood in the Kazimierz district in connection with the Festival of Jewish Culture.
Red Bull MOBILE Snowboard Attack
On 27 November at 15:00 in Krakow in the city center on the broad steps of the Gallery in Krakow held shares of one of the most talented Polish champion snowboarders and jibbing, Wojtek "Gniazdo" Pawlusiaka!
Es Game of SKATE 2010 - Krakow Barbakan
Niektoré fotografie z akcie Es Game of SKATE na Barbakan v Krakove. To je ďalší séria podujatí v sérii korčuliarov na KULTURALNY SKEJT NA TRAKCH HISTORII 2010 ktoré sme sponzora.
Techramps / Cool Sport Skate-Boat Contest
Event TECHRAMPS / COOL SPORT-BOAT SKATE CONTEST, held on the first day of the festival (June 19, 2010.) on the banks of the Wisla (Vistula) River at the Forum Hotel. Scenery was unusual occupations. Ramp was placed on a barge moored at the shore, next to
Skateboard Jam in Brzeszcze
Contest organized on June 6 on the occasion of the opening skatepark in Brzeszcze. In a contest plan was skateboarding jam and best trick on a miniramp. To win were a money and prizes from sponsors: 1st place 600 PLN, 2nd place 400 PLN, 3rd place 200 PLN
Woodcamp 2009 - 4th period
Pictures from the contest on the concrete pool, held on the fourth period of Woodcamp camp. Almost all campers took part in them, and the best of them received prizes donated by Techramps.
Broken Ball - Ilawa
On 22-24 May 2009 was contest Broken Ball in Ilawa. This was the second edition of youth festival, bringing together three disciplines: basketball, music and skateboard, which gathers people from all over Poland. During its duration are also workshops: Gr
Workshop Techramps on Woodcamp 2008
During the skating camp, WoodCamp, on each of the period team Techramps appeared. Especially for all the campers we ran a workshop, during which they can learn how to skateparks arise, what do they can do that in their city skatepark could be made, and ho
Juliada 2006
During Juliada in 2006 on a specially prepared floor at Krakow's Main Square stood our mobile skatepark, which through three days was available for all fans of skateboarding. The main attraction was the competition of "The Original Es Game Of Skate", whi
Pozri tiež: Proces výstavby skateparku